
Neobux :

現在定存利率很低, 10 萬元存一年大約只能拿回1.x%
投資Neobux 20萬元, 讓大家看一下能賺多少...
目前投資報酬率大約40%~50%  每年應至少能賺 8~10萬

[Neobux 終級實戰]
經過了無數的日子, Refs 終於上萬了, 跟大家分享一下
2016/12/18 日Refs, 上萬的心情...

應有蠻多前輩早就上萬了, 只是沒有分享, 在下本著鼓舞大家繼續往前的心情, 就分享這份旅程

接下來要續租上去還是把ROI拿回來, 都在考慮中...

(先到12.5K, 目前每150 refs needs $165, 超過後要$195)

Hi all,

After many years in Neobux, I would like to share my status to you.

To encourage some beginners, and provide the chance that you can advise me

I am happy that I entered 10K Club on 2016/12/18, and share my Ultimate Journey to you

Thank Admin and all of you in Neobux

In the beginning of neobux Jounary, I did not know how to manage my refferals, and also failed at my first time Golden (sad experience) from 2009~2012

And after reading some good successfully story in the Forum, I recognize that to invest Ultimate is good strategy, so I become Ultimate @ 2013/3/27

Like eveyone at Ultimate, I was so excited to be Ultimate member, and start to rent refferals, hope some day I can reach 4199 Refs

As I remember that date is most likely at 2015/Jan, (It was wrong date, the actually date to reach 4198 is 2014/1/25, Thanks Happyearn)

I stopped, and enjoy that I finally reach 4199 refs

After 1 year later(I don't remember why I stopped so long time... fainted), I decided to increase my refferals, and set my 2nd Goal to 10K

10K reached @ 2016/12/18

** investment from my pocket : $6500
(In order to expand more refs, I add more $1500)
** Cashout : 1365
** ROI : 1365/6500 = 21%
** 240 days renew only
** No manual recycle (my skill is not good)

Here is my basic information
Summary Membership

* Registration Date: 2009/10/12
* Golden Expires: 2018/03/27
* Ultimate Expires: 2017/03/27
(1st Ultimate @ 2013/03/27)

Direct: 5
Rented: 10938

2016 Summary :
Total Profit : $2455
Total Rented ref avg : 0.6735

2016 年的獲利如下

Month, Profit, [No of Avg refs], Avg
Jan 172 6482 0.683
Feb 163 6645 0.679
Mar 180 6898 0.678
Apr 182 7678 0.674
May 187 7875 0.667
Jun 198 8053 0.672
Jul 198 8180 0.668
Aug 212 8378 0.671
Sep 235 8708 0.678
Oct 248 8992 0.676
Nov 230 9373 0.668
Dec 250 9917 0.668
$2455 0.6735

Any good suggestion is welcome !

Short Term Goal :

To reach 10K refs before 2016/12/E (done)
To reach 12K refs before 2017/6/E

2013/3/27 First Ultimate : 399 Refs
2013/4/29 Reached 999 Refs
2013/6/22 Reached 1999 Refs
2013/8/15 Reached 2999 Refs
2013/12/20 Reached 3999 Refs
2014/1/25 Reached 4198 Refs
2015/2/28 Reached 5088 Refs
2015/10/26 Reached 6038 Refs
2016/3/21 Reached 7038 Refs
2016/6/7 Reached 8088 Refs
2016/10/22 Reached 9138 Refs
2016/11/15 You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 9438
2016/11/24 You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 9588
2016/12/3 You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 9738
2016/12/10 you have received the 150
referrals you rented. Refs : 9888
2016/12/18 Today at 02:00
You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 10038
2016/12/28 You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 10188
2017/01/09 You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 10338
2017/01/17 You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 10488
2017/01/26 You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 10638
2017/02/10 You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 10788
2017/02/21 You have received the 150 referrals you rented. Refs : 10938
2013/4/6 開始我來做一個終級Neobux 實戰分享給大家

1.10936 下線, 預計租到12500下線, 開始獲利回收
2.全部都延長240天, 達到(BEP : Break Even Point) 值最低
1. 目前下線增加到 5548, 一天賺5 美元, 一個月淨賺 150 美金, 大約台幣4500
2. 目前下線增加到 7048, 一天賺6 美元, 一個月淨賺 180 美金, 大約台幣5500
3. 目前下線增加到8988, 一天賺8美元, 一個月淨賺240美金, 大約台幣7200
4. 目前下線達到了10936, 一天賺10美元, 一個月淨賺300美金, 大約大約台幣9000 (Yes)



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